Cracking the Cardio Code Part 2

This week on Casual Friday, the cardio conversation continues! After the first episode’s discussion surrounding NMR lipoprofiles, now we’ll discuss the application of specific nutrients and how natural products can support optimal wellness for those with cardio health concerns.

More in This Series

  • Cracking the Cardio Code Part 2

    Cracking the Cardio Code Part 1

    Join Dr. Watts this week on Casual Friday as he starts a new series focusing on cardiovascular health. He’ll dig into the medical literature and show you how to connect patient testing to patient results through the FM perspective and process. View the resources for Casual Friday Week 174.
  • Cracking the Cardio Code Part 2

    Cracking the Cardio Code Part 3

    Cracking the cardio code is back for part 3 this week with Dr. Watts on Casual Friday! Last week was a fascinating look at handling the threat of atherosclerosis – and this week we will further develop the topic. View the resources for Casual Friday Week 176.
  • Cracking the Cardio Code Part 2

    Cracking the Cardio Code Part 4

    Join Dr. Watts on this week’s cardio-related  episode of Casual Friday as he continues the conversation, looking into the medical literature as it relates to cardio supportive nutrients and strategies for REVERSAL. View the resources for Casual Friday Week 177.