Heavy-Hitting Heavy Metals Part 2 (Lead)

Continuing the series, this week Dr. Watts will address one of the most commonly known heavy metals: Lead. He’ll take us through the current and most relevant medical literature, and show how it appears in lab results, providing pointers on supporting detoxification and improved patient wellness.

More in This Series

  • Heavy-Hitting Heavy Metals Part 2 (Lead)

    Heavy-Hitting Heavy Metals Part 1 (Cadmium)

    Join Dr. Watts this week on Casual Friday as he pulls the curtain back on one of the most common findings on the metals portion of a tox panel: Cadmium. We’ll explore the wide-ranging impacts on quality of life and what to do about it. View the resources for Casual Friday Week 197 Heavy-Hitting Heavy ...
  • Heavy-Hitting Heavy Metals Part 2 (Lead)

    Heavy-Hitting Heavy Metals Part 3 (Mercury)

    Back for more on heavy metals, this week Dr. Niels Pedersen will pour out some insights on another famous toxic culprit: Mercury. “Quicksilver” has been a health concern as far back as the old timey expression “mad as a hatter,” which references the neurological disorder caused by the heavy-metal poisoning (mercurial erethism) from exposure to ...