Layers of Liver Disease + What to Do

Join Dr. Watts on Casual Friday this week for a walk through some of the latest literature on liver disease, causes, and what you can do in an aim for better results faster!

More in This Series

  • Layers of Liver Disease + What to Do

    Layers of Liver Disease Part 2

    Last week we looked at patterns of liver dysfunction as they may appear on lab work. This week we’ll dig deeper into phases and types of liver dysfunction and how we might support those patients as we find them.
  • Layers of Liver Disease + What to Do

    Layers of Liver Disease Part 3

    We’ve seen the “what,” we’ve walked through the “why” – and now it’s time to see what we can do in support of patients with fatty liver disease! Join Dr. Watts on Casual Friday this week for a walk through the latest medical literature as it relates to supporting your toughest cases of liver dysfunction.